Monday, May 18, 2020

BIOLOGY GRADE 11 NOTES Essay examples - 6702 Words

Biology Grade 11 Exam Study Guide Diversity Taxonomic Categories Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Hierarchy From most general to most specific Binomial Nomenclature System used to identify all organisms on Earth Identifies an organism by its genus and species (ex. Humans-homo sapiens) Developed by Linnaeus in the 18th century Identifying Species 3 methods: Morphology ïÆ'   Form and shape ïÆ'   It is simple but there are natural variations in population Biology ïÆ'   If species are able to have sex and produce viable offspring ïÆ'   It is widely used however cannot always be used due to geographic separation, asexual reproduction and extinction of fossils Phylogeny ïÆ'   Evolutionary relationships ïÆ'   Can†¦show more content†¦ase) Tuberculosis (lung disease) Blood Poisoning Food Poisoning Helpful Bacteria Decay (cause dead organisms to breakdown and return minerals to the earth) Fermentation (chemical change in food, breakage of food in intestine) Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria (makes nitrates, rich soil, absorption of nitrogen) Vinegar (works on sugar to produce vinegar) Cheese Bacteria (used in the making of cheese) Sour Milk Bacteria (causes milk to sour, yogurt) Plant Like Protists Distinguished by modes of locomotion Heterotrophs Reproduce sexually and asexually Sarcodina ïÆ'   free living, fresh water, salt water, soil, asexual, few parasitic Mastigophora ïÆ'   move by flagella, mostly parasitic, fresh/salt water, asexual Ciliphora ïÆ'   most complex, swimming, free moving, sexual/asexual Sporoza ïÆ'   parasitic, complex life cycles, live in body fluids Fungus Like Protists Complex life cycles, various cellular forms Decomposers Form a plasmodium Consist of a single cell with many nuclei Evolution Adaptation A structure, behavior, physiological process, that helps organisms survive and reproduce Mimicry The resemblance of one organism to another or to an object in its surroundings for concealment or protection from predators Peppered Moth Simulation Industrial Melanism ïÆ'   Used to describe the adaptation of a population in response to pollution Before industrial revolution: ïÆ'   Tree trunks were white due to lichens ïÆ'   Most of the peppered moths were light with darkShow MoreRelatedAnimal Rights and Human Wrongs6049 Words   |  25 Pagesinappropriate , and pro bably im mora l, for me to te ar it down , to deface it, or to chisel o ut a sectio n to use in my ca tapult. 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